Upcoming show and viewing in LA😊
Greetings, my dear friends! I hope this message finds you in great health and high spirits. I am thrilled to share with you that my latest exhibition "Here: Arts & Culture Along the K" will be opening this Saturday, October 7th at the Museum of African American Art in Los Angeles.
皆さま、お元気でしょうか。ロサンゼルスのアフリカンアメリカン美術館での私の最新の展覧会「Here: Arts & Culture Around the K」が今週10月7日土曜日にオープンします。
The show will be viewed through December 30th, 2023. If you find yourself in the area, it would be my pleasure for you to swing by and experience it firsthand!
What: Here: Arts & Culture Along the K
Opening Reception: October 7, 2023, 4 – 6 PM
When: October 7 to December 30, 2023
Hour: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am - 5pm
Where: Museum of African American Art
Address: Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Level 2, Suite 283
3650 W Martin Luther King Jr Bl Los Angeles, CA 90008
The Death of the Buddha / Nirvana
One of my works, "The Death of the Buddha / Nirvana" from 2016 is currently on view at the Patricia Sweetow Gallery special viewing room in Downtown Los Angeles. Feel free to stop by and take a look!
2016年の作品の「仏陀の死/涅槃」が現在、ロサンゼルスのダウンタウンにあるパトリシア・スウィートウ・ギャラリー特別鑑賞室で展示されています。 こちらも、お気軽にお立ち寄りください。
Patricia Sweetow Gallery
Tue-Sat, 11 am-6 pm
1700 So. Santa Fe Ave. Suite 351
Los Angeles, CA 90021
Photo by Claire Kim
I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for those who attended my COLA 2023 show and artist talk at the Municipal Art Gallery! Meeting you all in person, sharing my thoughts and works directly, and not through a screen was an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much again for taking the time to attend and for supporting me.
先月、ロサンゼルス市立美術館で開催された私のCOLA2023の展示とトークにご参加者やご支援いただいた皆さまに心からの感謝の意を表したいと思います。 画面越しではなく、皆さまと直接お会いして、私の考えや作品を直接共有できて本当に嬉しかったです。 お時間を作っていただいて、サポートしていただき有り難う御座いました。
Check out more works from the links below...